Thursday, October 27, 2011


John Wayne... the man. I was thinking today about his comment, "lifes hard, its even harder if you're stupid."

Im done with all that. I've got 1 month left to have a ball, and im going to make every minute of it:)
So heres the goal, get a bunch of girls to write me... gotta love that.
I've got 3 different halloween parties to go to...
I need to read the BoM this month. front to back.
(no distractions)
write all my broha's and find out how their doing...
Get my buddy Seth back! he's my best bro ever.
Move on. ultimately. B and I broke up and I have to move on. I can't let one girl ruin my life and I just have to move forward, focus on other girls, focus on prep for the mission, and not be tied down! its fun. And honestly it feels good to be free of the ties.
Ima have some fun;)...

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